The Crunkest of Them All

Read on to learn how I won a free copy of this video

I had planned to take it easy when I met my running group on Saturday morning. My ankle was sore and, thanks to allergies, breathing out of my nose was a chore. So I promised myself I’d just power walk the trail that day. I broke that promise as soon as my sneakers hit the pavement. I couldn’t help myself. My running buddies get me pumped. We then decided we’d challenge ourselves and go farther along the trail than we have in previous meets. By the time we completed our walk/run we’d covered 5.7 miles. 

I should have been proud of myself, but instead, as I went back to the car I was thinking, “Javacia, that was stupid.” Why? Oh, because it just so happens that when I left the trail I had to go meet a friend for a high-intensity aerobics class called Crunk Fitness!

Crunk Fitness is a high-energy hip-hop dance-based workout founded by Jamme Morginn of Birmingham. Morginn recently had an open house event at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) recreation center, offering free classes to those interested in learning more about the program. 

So after running nearly 6 miles I had to go dance like an extra from an Aaliyah video. 

Since this was a special event, Morginn decided to give a prize to “the crunkest of them all,” the person who danced the craziest and funkiest. Though I gave my all, I figured that wasn’t much since I was so tired from my run. My energy was so drained that when class was over and the prize was about to be awarded I was at the back of the room sitting on my butt sucking my water bottle dry. But when Morginn’s assistant was told to hand the prize to the winner he ran straight to me! I was shocked at first, even reluctant to accept my award. Then I leapt to my feet and exclaimed, “And I ran 6 miles before I got here!” I’m such a gracious winner, aren’t I?

Well, I guess that settles it. I’m the crunkest of them all. You know what they say, go hard or go home! 


  1. That’s awesome!! I love her class. So much fun!! I did Zumba last week after running, so I know how hard that is. Congrats!!

  2. You ARE the Crunkest of them all and I was there to witness it! Thanks for coming along even though you had already worked it earlier that day. 🙂

  3. Way to go Jai! That’s totally awesome. You are an inspiration! 🙂

  4. @Jennifer Thanks so much for being so encouraging. You’re awesome!

    @KarriB Thanks so much for inviting me to come dance with you. I still think you were more crunk than I was that day. We need to have our DVD party we discussed. LOL

    @Arnita Thanks, girl.

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