I think my scale is broken

It has to be. That’s the only explanation for its claim that I have lost 4 pounds since last week. Or maybe that whole “Because it works” slogan that Weight Watchers has Jennifer Hudson saying is true.
My first week of Weight Watchers was tough but I must say that my friends made it fun. I don’t attend the Weight Watchers meetings (who has time for that?!) but I am now a believer in the buddy system. Three of my colleagues and one of my pals from my newspaper days are on the program. Sitting around at lunch discussing how much peanut butter I can eat without blowing my diet may not sound fun, but it’s actually a blast.
In just the first week I’m beginning to see the truth in what one friend (and faithful Georgia Mae reader) told me. She said Weight Watchers really isn’t a diet but it’s about learning to be accountable for what you eat. So it doesn’t mean I can never have candy again, it just means I’ll think twice before I eat four Cadbury Crème Eggs in one day.


  1. Way to go Jai! Wishing you much continued success!

  2. Congrats! hope you reach your goal. if i had a buddy i would think about trying it too.

  3. Yay!! Congrats to you. 🙂 (Try making the turkey and spinach lasagna rolls recipe for dinner. They are TO DIE FOR, and filling to boot.)

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