Edd’s MANtra: Biggie Day

Today marks 13 years since The Notorious B.I.G. was gunned down in Los Angeles. Thirteen years! Can you believe that the current generation of hip-hop fans have lived in a world without Biggie?


That explains why this garbage is consider a hit song. Why does Soulja Boy still have a career and is not in an alley fighting bums for toilet paper?

Well, maybe the young’ns will soon join in the celebration of Big Poppa’s life, thanks to Puffy. From xxlmag.com:


Well-known Harlemite, rapper and entrepreneur, Diddy is planning to cross the bridge on Tuesday, March 9, for the first time in years to host a party in Brooklyn. The trek is to commemorate the 13th anniversary of The Notorious B.I.G.’s death….

“We’re trying to make March 9th a national hip-hop holiday,” Diddy told MTV News. “It already is on the low…. It’s a big day. It’s a day to celebrate his life. It’s a day to celebrate the life of the man. We done did the movie, the records. It’s something that, I guess as a label we’re obsessed with: making sure people don’t forget about this man in a positive way. March 9 is Biggie Day… Bump Biggie all day, feel good and positive.”

You don’t have to give me an excuse to bump Biggie all day! Where’s my Coogie sweater?

While I think that this is a great idea, I do have one concern – if March 9 officially becomes Biggie Day, 2Pac cultists will make September 13 Pac Day, Novemeber 13 will become ODB Day, February 15 will be Big L Day, April 25 will be Left Eye Day, etc. At the rate these rappers fall, we’ll be mourning somebody every other day. Things won’t be as special.

And if I EVER have to celebrate Soulja Boy Day I’m officially becoming a fan of bluegrass.

Do you think Biggie Day is a good idea?



  1. BIGGIE!!!! Man, how the game would be so different if Biggie (and Pac for that matter) were still alive. It’s so sad that these younguns don’t know nothing about that and what we have today is just what you said Edd, GAR-BAGE from these wanna-be-hip-hop artists.

    Now, I don’t know if an official Biggie Day is the right idea and I am def a Biggie fan. But I agree with you in that others will jump on the bandwagon and want a day for everybody and their mama if that happens. I say let’s just remember him (although like you I don’t need an excuse to bump some Biggie) in a positive member and on the anniversary of his death, have a brief moment of silence and call it a day.

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