Take Up The #BlogLikeCrazy Challenge This November

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November is a special time around these parts – and I’m not just talking about the impending turkey and sweet potato pies.

And yes, I said sweet potato pies. Pumpkin pies are the Drakes of the dessert world – overrated and only loved by folks who don’t know any better.

Dessert slander aside, it’s November and that means it’s time to #BlogLikeCrazy.

If you don’t know my lovely wife Javacia Harris Bowser, get familiar. She’s the founder of GeorgiaMae.com (the site that would eventually evolve into your favorite music destination, SoulInStereo.com) and is also the creator of See Jane Write, an award-winning network for women writers. If you’re a woman looking to become published, expand your brand or just connect with other writers, check out her site and join her group.

In November, See Jane Write’s mission allows us guys to join in the fun too. Every day during the month of November, writers are encouraged to take up the#BlogLikeCrazy challenge and post at least one blog entry every day during the month.

Yeah, yeah, I know posting one blog post every day may seem exhausting – heck, I stress out about it every year. But trust me, it’s not as hard as it looks. And it pays off too:

Knowing that you have to post once a day requires time management. Creating an editorial calendar to get you through the month won’t just help you in November but it’ll keep you organized during the other 11 months of the year.

All that content means you’ll hone your writing skills. Repetition is the key to greater success – unless we’re talking about Rihanna’s vocals, lord help. But for those of those who aren’t lost causes, the more you write, the better you’ll become. Thirty days of posts will help strengthen your voice.

And best of all, you’ll build your audience. The coolest part about #BlogLikeCrazy is connecting with fellow bloggers. Share your posts on social media with the #BlogLikeCrazy hashtag every day so other bloggers will read and share your posts. Just be sure to return the favor and read and share their content too. Community goes both ways, after all, and you’re about to open yourself up to a whole new readership. Plus, I bet you’ll discover a bunch of cool writers too.

Even if you’re not a writer, November is the best time to follow SoulInStereo.com because you’re GUARANTEED to get one new post every day. Love Letters columns, album reviews, album rankings of your favorite artists, the return of the What Ever Happened to… series and a bunch of surprises are in store. Trust me, your boy has a lot of fun stuff in store. Don’t believe me? Stop by every morning and see for yourself. I will never lie.


Word to Immature.

Bloggers, are you ready to take the #BlogLikeCrazy challenge? You can learn more about the challenge and get writing tips right here. 

Now, you playas will have to excuse me. I’ve got some writing to do.


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