Love Letters: Facebook Access

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and Christmas is around the corner – which means it’s time for some of you turkeys to begin your seasonal relationships in an attempt to stuff your Christmas stockings. Oh, I know the deal. I’m not new to the game, I’m true to the game.

I also still use slang from 1995.

 Send your inquiries to, or find me on twitter @etbowser. Just provide your initials, or a fun nickname. 


If you’re coming off a bad relationship, is it immature to delete that person from your Facebook page?

Dying to Delete

One of these days, I should really write a blog on Facebook etiquette. Some of the points I’d maybe include:

– Do not use a picture of your cleavage from your profile pic, especially if I can’t tell if they’re breasts or a plumber’s butt.

– If you’re gonna take a picture using your bathroom mirror (y’all know there is a self-timer on the camera, right?) at least get the toilet and shower curtain out of the shot. And are women required by law to stick their butts out in these shots?

– For you Facebook preachers who love to talk about how “God don’t like ugly” and how He’ll “strike down your enemies,” at least get your scriptures right. There is no such thing as Matthew 33/40, and if so, Matthew really needs to keep an eye on his blood pressure.

– If you’re holding up 6 $1 bills, in your profile pic, sorry, you ain’t ballin’.

– No one is hating on you, your baby, your family or your cooking. I am, however, hating on that toilet in the background of your profile picture.

And that’s just the foolishness I see on my Facebook timeline RIGHT NOW.

I’m not sure when we decided it was required to allow any and everyone access to our Facebook information. Facebook is essentially a public journal but it’s only accessible to who we want to see it. Looking at your blurry cookout photos is a privilege, not a right. And if the relationship is over, they don’t really have a right to see your profile.

If you just ended a bad relationship, why would you want him/her to see your personal info? If that person isn’t good enough to date, I doubt they’re worthy of knowing what you had for breakfast.

Did this person break your trust? Are you dealing with a potential psycho stalker? Was the culprit way too clingy? If so, they don’t need to know your every move and should be deleted.

Now, if the breakup was amicable, I see no problem with remaining Facebook buddies – as long as it doesn’t result in passive aggressive dissing: “So happy to be single, SEXY and FREE!!!!! LOL!!!! #freeatlast” Playa, please.

Rubbing your freedom in the face of your ex is definitely immature. But keeping your private life safe from weirdos is just smart.

Now, if we just learned to be smarter using Facebook:

We need to do better.


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