Tweet, tweet

I’m not sure exactly when it happened but at some point the social networking site Twitter became insanely popular and I was left behind.

Well, that’s not entirely true. I’ve actually had a Twitter account since 2007. I signed up for one because I was doing a story on Twitter, but soon after that story was filed, my tweeting days were done.

But now in an effort to keep up with the cool kids, I’m trying to get back into it, which will be a lot easier if my friends and faithful readers play along.

So if you’re on Twitter hit me up at

I’ll be posting updates on my so-called life and on happenings at



  1. I’m still trying to get in the Twitter groove too. I usually forget about it until I get a message that someone is following me. I’ll be sure to find you! BTW, like I say on my facebook status, it’s kind of funny that your homepage now looks like Twitter..

  2. Twitter freakin blows!!

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